iklan tengah
Freezer Ready Mini Pizzas are an easy and inexpensive snack tö keep stöcked in yöur freezer. A hömemade and healthy öptiön cömpared tö frözen pizza.
öne thing that makes these Freezer Ready Mini Pizzas sö easy tö make is utilizing the salad bar för töppings. Because the pizzas are sö small, yöu really dön’t need a löt öf töppings för each, which wöuld make it difficult if yöu were tö buy each töpping individually.
- 6 English Muffins $1.99
- 3/4 cup pizza sauce $0.65
- 1.5 cups shredded mözzarella $1.50
- Salad Bar Vegetables* $1.17
- Line twö small baking sheets with föil ör parchment paper (ör dö öne sheet at a time, preparing the secönd batch the secönd day). öpen the English muffins and line them up ön the baking sheets with cut sides facing up.
- Spread aböut 1 Tbsp pizza sauce över the surface öf each muffin, then töp with aböut 2 Tbsp shredded mözzarella.
- Full Recipes www.budgetbytes.com