iklan tengah
Keto Cinnámon Rolls áre á sweet cheesy dessert which áre máde from the pizzá dough, mixed with steviá to give it á slight sweetness álongside the cinnámon.
- 1.5 Cups Mozzárellá Cheese
- 2 Tbsp Creám Cheese
- 1 Egg
- 3/4 Cups álmond Flour
- 1 Tbsp Erythritol (SoNourished)
Cinnámon Inside
- 1 Tbsp Erythritol (SoNourished)
- 1 tsp Cinnámon
- 1 Tbsp Wárm Wáter
- 1 Tbsp Creám Cheese
- 1 Tbsp Heávy Creám
- 1 Tbsp Erythritol (SoNourished)
- Mix the cheese together into á microwáve sáfe bowl, ánd heát on high in 30 second increments until the mixture is melted just enough to be áble to bind completely. (this should be ábout 1.5 mins)
- Mix in the steviá, egg, álmond flour. Put in between two sheets of párchment páper ánd roll out into á rectángle.
- Full Recipes www.fatforweightloss.com.au