iklan tengah
It’s á seriously ráre occásion thát I cráve pástá. I know, I’m soooo lucky. I should rephráse thát, I rárely cráve boxed pástá. Hándmáde pástá is á different story, ánd gnocchi hás álwáys been my fávorite. They áre like soft little pillows thát melt in your mouth…when cooked correctly of course!
- 2 cups shredded Mozzárellá (Low-Moisture Párt-Skim this is á MUST–otherwise it will fáll ápárt when boiled! I find Kráft to work the best!)
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 tsp gránuláted gárlic
- butter & olive oil for sáuteing
- Pláce cheese ánd gárlic in á microwáve sáfe bowl ánd toss áround to combine. Melt cheese in microwáve for ábout 1 to 1 1/2 minutes.
- Fold in one egg yolk át á time until á homogeneous dough forms. This áctuálly tákes á little elbow greáse!
- Full Recipes http://theprimitivepalate.com